Why “I’ll Get to It Later” Doesn’t Work in Estate Planning: Insights from a Santa Clara Will Lawyer

Santa Clara Will Lawyer“I’ll get to it later.” It’s a phrase many of us have uttered, especially when it comes to tasks that feel overwhelming or too distant to be pressing. Estate planning, for many, falls into this category. But as any experienced Santa Clara will lawyer will emphasize, in the world of wills and trusts, all too often “later” becomes “too late.”

The Reality: Tomorrow Isn’t Guaranteed

Life’s unpredictability is its only constant. We make countless plans for the future, but the truth is, tomorrow is never promised. This isn’t a gloomy outlook but rather a call to action. By postponing essential decisions, we inadvertently expose our loved ones to potential complications, disputes, and uncertainties.

Risks of Postponing Estate Planning

  1. Intestacy: Dying without a will (intestate) means the state decides how to distribute your assets. This might not reflect your wishes and can lead to unintended beneficiaries.
  2. Family Conflicts: Ambiguities can cause disagreements among family members, leading to strained relationships or even legal battles.
  3. Missed Opportunities: Waiting might mean missing out on effective tax strategies or asset protection measures that a Santa Clara will lawyer could have advised on.
  4. Loss of Control: Without directives, such as a medical power of attorney, you lose control over decisions made on your behalf if you’re incapacitated.

Overcoming Procrastination: Steps to Take

  1. Start Small: Starting is often the hardest part. Schedule a consultation with a Santa Clara will lawyer, even if just for an initial discussion.
  2. Educate Yourself: Sometimes, the unknown is daunting. Understanding the basics of estate planning can demystify the process.
  3. Reflect on Your Wishes: Consider who you want to inherit your assets, who should make decisions on your behalf if you can’t, and any charitable legacies you want to leave.
  4. Regular Reviews: Estate planning isn’t a one-time event. Once in place, review your plans periodically, especially after significant life changes.


Postponing estate planning under the assumption of “I’ll get to it later” can have lasting consequences for your loved ones. Collaborate with a Santa Clara will lawyer to ensure your wishes are documented and protected. After all, in the realm of estate planning, acting today is the best way to secure tomorrow for those you love. If you have questions or need guidance, reach out to our law firm at 408-889-1290 to schedule a consultation.

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