Silicon Valley Estate Lawyers Answer, “What’s the Worst That Can Happen?”

Silicon Valley estate lawyers

Have you ever wondered what is the worst that can happen if you become incapacitated or pass away without an estate plan in place?

If you have, you’re not alone. This is actually a common question our Silicon Valley estate lawyers receive, especially from those in close-knit families who believe that their kids (or other loved ones) will peacefully sort everything out when they pass away without needing any additional legal documents or guardrails in place.

Failing to Plan Makes Life Harder for The People You Love

The truth of the matter is that without a plan (or even with the wrong plan) you make things much harder for the people you care about, even if everything goes as smoothly as possible and everyone gets along. Managing your affairs will also become much more costly and more time-consuming than it needs to be if something happens.

You May Not Like The “Default Plan” The State of California Already Has for You

Remember, you are not obligated to create an estate plan; the state of California already has a plan that your loved ones will be forced to follow in the event you do nothing. However, this “default” plan is not one that very many people like. The only way to override the state’s plan is to legally create one of your own.

What If You Are Disabled or Incapacitated?

If a crisis happens during your lifetime and you don’t have a plan, you run the risk of losing flexibility and you may even lose control. Even if your loved ones want to help if you get sick or become incapacitated, they could be barred from getting involved with your affairs because of privacy or HIPAA laws. If that happens, all decisions about your care and your future will be made by a judge who doesn’t know you or what is important to you.

Make Planning a Priority to Protect Your Family, Your Wishes, and Your Assets

The bottom line is that an estate plan is a roadmap that’s designed to make life as easy and hassle-free as possible for you and your loved ones in the event of illness, incapacity, or death. It’s one of the most loving gifts you can give them. If this article has caused you to rethink your choice of going with the state’s plan for your affairs, we are here to help you. Simply contact our Silicon Valley estate lawyers at (650) 422-3313 to schedule a consultation.


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