Santa Clara County Probate Lawyers: Everything You Need to Know About Claiming Death Benefits

The death of a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences a person must handle. The financial aspect that accompanies funeral and burial expenses compounds the grief, making the situation even worse. Santa Clara County probate lawyers know that this is especially true if the deceased was the main breadwinner and the remaining […]

Santa Clara Estate Administration Lawyer: Understanding the Basics of Probate in Santa Clara County, CA

The thought of going through probate in Santa Clara County can strike fear in the hearts of most people, and with good reason. The time it takes is long and grueling, and the paperwork is overwhelming. The details of probate vary from state to state, so the process looks different depending on where the deceased […]

Why Do You Want to Avoid Probate in Santa Clara County?

One of the main benefits of estate and trust planning according to lawyers in Santa Clara ounty is the avoidance of probate proceedings. But what does that mean? And why should you want to avoid probate in the first place? The main reason to avoid probate in Santa Clara County is simply that it’s a […]

How Long Does It Take to Settle an Estate in Santa Clara County, California?

How Long Does It Take to Settle an Estate in Santa Clara County, California? One of the most common questions asked when it comes to settling an estate in Santa Clara County is, “How long is this going to take?” The answer to that question is, of course, going to vary depending upon several factors. […]

Santa Clara County Probate Lawyers Answer, “I’ve Lost a Loved One . . . Now What?”

Losing a loved one is emotionally wrenching. And, unfortunately, being responsible for managing your loved one’s estate and final affairs can make an already terrible situation worse. Amidst all the stress and emotional turmoil, it can be difficult to remember all the important tasks you need to complete. To assist you in handling your job […]

5 Steps to Settling a Probate Estate in Santa Clara County

Settling a probate estate in Santa Clara County requires quite a bit of time and a lot of organization. It has the potential to be a long, drawn-out process depending on the state of affairs of the deceased and how easy it is to work with the probate court. However, if you’re well-equipped and prepared […]

Santa Clara Probate Lawyer: What Happens If Your Child Dies Before You?

The majority of people we see in our Santa Clara estate planning law firm name their adult children as beneficiaries of their estate plan. In most cases, this works well because children typically outlive their parents. But what happens when a child dies before the parent? What becomes of the inheritance that a parent plans […]

Santa Clara County Probate Lawyer: How to Remove an Executor from an Estate

An executor is chosen by a testator to carry out the intentions of the will after the testator has died. It’s fairly easy to replace an executor when the testator is still alive—all the testator has to do is simply name a new executor. However, this becomes far more complicated and difficult once the testator […]

What You Can – And Can’t – Do During the Santa Clara County Probate Process

It’s always painful when a loved one passes. After death, there’s also the legal obligation of administering an estate, which often includes probate. Santa Clara County probate is the process in which the decedents’ estate is settled and distributed to those entitled to receive an inheritance from the estate. This process can take months or […]

Santa Clara County Probate Lawyer Shares Tips for Getting Through the Probate Process Faster and with Less Hassle

As a Santa Clara County probate lawyer, I am well aware of the hassles and headaches that families face when a loved one’s estate goes into probate. The process can drag out, eating up not just time but also resources that would have otherwise gone to beneficiaries. Appointed executors find themselves with burdensome responsibilities that […]

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