Santa Clara Will and Trust Lawyer Offers Estate Planning Tips for Blended Families

Modern American families come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and configurations. This creates unique circumstances when creating wills and trusts and putting long-term care plans in place. There is always the potential for conflict when it comes to estate planning in general, but the added element of a blended family can compound problems. That is why […]

Silicon Valley Wills and Estates Lawyer Discusses 3 Easy Ways to Protect Your Kids in an Emergency

If something were to happen to you and your spouse, what would happen if the authorities or medical personnel did not know that you have minor children at home waiting for you? Picture this: your children are at home and more frightened as each hour passes and you have not returned. The babysitter is scrambling […]

How to Handle Decision Making for an Adult Child with Special Needs When the Parents Are Divorced

Any type of co-parenting relationship can be complicated, especially when the relationship ends in divorce. Divorcing parents of a special needs child, even one that has reached adulthood, may have questions about their rights and obligations as guardians when it comes to decision making for an adult child with special needs. While laws may vary […]

Bay Area Estate Planning Attorneys Answer, “Can I Name More Than One Person as My Power of Attorney?”

Bay Area estate planning attorneys answer, “Can I name more than one person as my Power of Attorney?” Granting someone power of attorney means that you are giving them the authority to make important decisions on your behalf should you be incapable of making them yourself. The scope, duration, and other specifics are up to […]

Santa Clara Will and Estate Lawyer Answers, “Can I Exclude My Spouse or Child from My Will?”

By Santa Clara Will and Estate Lawyer Gray Brainin Excluding someone from your will, particularly if it’s your spouse or your child, can be complicated. In some states, it’s not even allowed. Leaving out people who wouldn’t automatically receive any of your estate is usually as simple as just not including them. However, if you […]

San Francisco Bay Area Estate Planning Lawyer: 5 Estate Planning Must-Haves

As a San Francisco Bay Area estate planning lawyer, I am often asked by my clients to explain what comprises a basic estate plan. Unfortunately, there’s no simple answer to this question because an estate plan always depends on the situation and the needs of the individual. For instance, a basic estate plan for one […]

Silicon Valley Estate Planning Attorney: How to Use a 529 Plan to Save for Education Expenses While Benefiting Your Estate

By Silicon Valley Estate Planning Attorney Gary Brainin If you’ve heard of a 529 Plan, you probably think of it as a means of education funding for your children or grandchildren. These plans are sponsored by state agencies or educational institutions, and they’re available to people of all income brackets. While a 529 Plan is […]

Bay Area Will and Trust Lawyer on How to “Marie Kondo” Your Financial Life and Streamline Your Estate Planning Process

By Bay Area Will and Trust Lawyer Gary Brainin If you’re not familiar with Marie Kondo, take some time this week to watch one of her videos on YouTube or check out her new Netflix series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. It’s incredible to watch the relief and joy that people experience just by implementing […]

Silicon Valley Will and Trust Attorney: How to Talk to Your Adult Children About the Inheritance You Plan on Leaving Them

By Silicon Valley Will and Trust Attorney Gary Brainin As people get into their senior years, it is natural to start thinking about the end of life. Those thoughts can bring about concern regarding the type of inheritance to leave to adult children and exactly how to carry out your wishes when passing down your […]

Silicon Valley Will and Trust Lawyer: Three Considerations When Planning for a Child with Special Needs

Your time and energy are spent helping your child with special needs to get the most out of life. But have you ever considered what would happen to your child if you were to suddenly become incapacitated or pass away? Working with a Silicon Valley will and trust lawyer experienced in special needs law is an […]

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Gary Brainin

Seven Steps to Handling Your Loved One's

Surviving The Sandwhiched Years

Get The Government To Pay For Your Long-Term Care

Hope For Caregivers: ABCs of Long-Term Care and Legal Planning

  • American Academy

