Santa Clara Estate Planning Lawyer Discusses the Top Five Mistakes People Make When Setting Up a Trust

Creating a trust can be a vital part of the estate planning process. A trust can protect your assets and benefit the family members who receive them. It’s critical to understand state laws and the steps you need to take to create a trust. Common errors can invalidate someone’s trust and prevent surviving heirs from […]

Silicon Valley Estate Planning Attorney on What You Should Know About Stepchildren and Your Estate Plan

No matter how much you love your stepchildren and want to plan for their futures, California laws don’t generally recognize stepsons and stepdaughters as immediate heirs. Knowing that, if you don’t specifically list your stepkids in your estate plan, they might not have any legal rights to your assets. That means when you pass away, […]

Bay Area Trust Lawyers: How Does Living Abroad Affect My Estate Plan?

Deciding to live abroad can be an exciting time in anyone’s life. A lot of planning goes into making such a drastic move, but one area that Bay Area trust lawyers see commonly overlooked is estate planning. While estate planning is not the most exciting element to think about when planning a new life in […]

Top Myths About Estate Planning in Your 30s and 40s |Bay Area Will Lawyers

You might not think creating an estate plan is necessary unless you’re older or have developed a terminal illness. However, an estate plan can benefit people of any age. It’s a good idea to plan for the unexpected, so your assets remain protected and anyone who depends on you will receive the financial assistance necessary […]

Santa Clara Special Needs Lawyers Outline Top Changes to Social Security Disability and SSI Payments in 2022

There is good news for Americans collecting Social Security benefits in 2022. The roughly 70 million who receive Social Security benefits will receive the highest cost of living increase in four decades. This increase was made to offset inflation. Those receiving Social Security and Supplemental Security Income stand to receive a nearly six percent (5.9%, […]

Best Ways to Plan Your Estate When You Have a Child with Special Needs

Planning for death can be an unpleasant experience for anyone. It often comes with uncomfortable conversations and difficult decisions. However, creating an estate plan is one of the most important things you can do in life. If you want to protect your loved ones and ensure they receive the care and assistance they need when […]

How Can Covid Affect My Estate Plan? | Silicon Valley Will Lawyer

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to affect individuals and families throughout the country. During the last two years, many people started thinking about their futures and the type of financial security they require in their lives. Business owners reevaluated how they run their businesses and handle their finances. If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that […]

Silicon Valley Estate Planning Attorney Answers, “How Does a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust Work?”

When you create an estate plan, you might wonder how to avoid or reduce gift and estate taxes when your beneficiaries receive your assets. An irrevocable trust is an excellent option to accomplish this goal. More specifically, a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT) could minimize estate and gift tax liability. What Is a GRAT? A […]

Santa Clara Will and Trust Lawyer: How a HIPAA Authorization Fits into Your Estate Plan

While creating an estate plan with a Santa Clara will and trust lawyer, it’s nearly always advisable to include directives regarding medical treatment, incapacity, and end-of-life care. If you don’t outline your wishes for these particular scenarios, you may leave your family with the difficult responsibility of making these decisions for you.  Worse, they may […]

Warning from a Bay Area Estate Lawyer: Good Credit Doesn’t Mean Your Nest Egg Is Safe from Creditors!

You’ve worked hard. You’ve built up a nice nest egg that you hope to someday leave to your kids. Your “ducks are in a row” and you’re in good financial standing. Do you need to worry about creditors getting their hands on your money? You just might! This is because the money that you leave […]

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