What Is a Pour-Over Will?| Santa Clara Probate Attorney

If your estate plan includes a revocable living trust, that plan typically includes a pour-over will to ensure that any remaining assets transfer to your trust when you die. This can simplify the probate process, saving your family time and money. Managing the deceased person’s finances can be an added stress for a family during […]

Palliative Care: Everything You Need to Know | Silicon Valley Elder Law Attorney

If you have an aging or chronically ill loved one, you may often find yourself wondering if there are ways to help them relieve their pain and feel more comfortable. Many forms of treatment that focus on curing a person’s condition actually make them feel worse rather than better. Fortunately, there is a medical option […]

Silicon Valley Elder Law Attorneys on How to Help Your Loved One While Respecting Their Boundaries

If you have an aging loved one, there will likely come a time when you begin to have concerns about their physical or cognitive health. You might notice that they are forgetting to take their medications or asking the same questions again and again. Or maybe it’s that they don’t seem as capable of managing […]

Legacy Videos: What they Are and Why They Are Important

A legacy video is a short documentary family and friends can make to tell stories about their loved one and highlight the accomplishments that person made throughout their life. This can help people grieve and preserve a person’s legacy as they near the end of their life. Everyone has information and anecdotes about their life. […]

How to Stay Connected with Your Loved One After They Move into a Nursing Home

It’s often difficult to stay in touch with a loved one after placing them in a nursing home. You have a busy schedule, your own family to care for, and other responsibilities that get in your way. Planning a visit to the nursing home might not be that easy. However, you want to spend quality […]

What Happens to My Spouse’s Social Security After They Die?

Social Security benefits are available to individuals who paid Social Security taxes while employed and have reached a particular age. Many people don’t know that benefits may also be available to eligible family members, such as a spouse. Additionally, if the insured passes away, their spouse might be able to collect survivors’ benefits. What Are […]

Santa Clara Estate Planning Lawyer Discusses the Top Five Mistakes People Make When Setting Up a Trust

Creating a trust can be a vital part of the estate planning process. A trust can protect your assets and benefit the family members who receive them. It’s critical to understand state laws and the steps you need to take to create a trust. Common errors can invalidate someone’s trust and prevent surviving heirs from […]

Silicon Valley Estate Planning Attorney on What You Should Know About Stepchildren and Your Estate Plan

No matter how much you love your stepchildren and want to plan for their futures, California laws don’t generally recognize stepsons and stepdaughters as immediate heirs. Knowing that, if you don’t specifically list your stepkids in your estate plan, they might not have any legal rights to your assets. That means when you pass away, […]

Bay Area Trust Lawyers: How Does Living Abroad Affect My Estate Plan?

Deciding to live abroad can be an exciting time in anyone’s life. A lot of planning goes into making such a drastic move, but one area that Bay Area trust lawyers see commonly overlooked is estate planning. While estate planning is not the most exciting element to think about when planning a new life in […]

What to Know When Creating a Caregiver Contract | Santa Clara Elder Law Attorney

A caregiver agreement, also referred to as a personal service contract, is a contract between an individual in need of care and the person taking care of them. Typically, an adult child will assume the role of caretaker for an older or incapacitated parent. It’s a job many people take on when someone they love […]

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Gary Brainin

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Surviving The Sandwhiched Years

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Hope For Caregivers: ABCs of Long-Term Care and Legal Planning

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