Santa Clara Trust Lawyer on the Elements of a Valid Trust

When creating a trust with a Santa Clara trust lawyer, it is important to understand the specific roles involved. The grantor is the person who establishes a trust. The designated beneficiary is the person who receives or gets the benefits of the assets held in trust. Probate is unnecessary because trust property passes outside the […]

What Is a Bypass Trust, and Do I Need One? | Silicon Valley Trust Attorneys

For many decades, wealthy families relied on bypass trusts as critical aspects of their estate plans. However, in recent years, Silicon Valley trust attorneys have seen a shift away from the use of this type of trust. This is mainly due to the increase in gift and estate tax exemptions, as well as what is […]

Think a Handwritten Will Is All You Need? Here Are the Dangers from a Santa Clara Estate Planning Attorney

There are many reasons why some people might find the idea of a handwritten will attractive. Also known as holographic wills, handwritten wills might seem cheaper and simpler to execute than non-holographic wills. However, handwritten wills are not legally valid in every state. Furthermore, in the states that do recognize handwritten wills, there are a […]

Can Travel Really Count as Therapy for Dementia? Yes, It Can | Bay Area Elder Law Attorney

Many people enjoy traveling for the sense of adventure, change in perspective, and sensory stimulation it can provide. These things are what help people feel so refreshed after returning from a vacation away from home. New research that appears in Tourism Management suggests that traveling may also provide benefits for the mental well-being of people […]

Santa Clara Will and Trust Attorney on the Best Ways to Store Estate Planning Documents

Writing your will, drafting financial and healthcare powers of attorney, and ensuring you have a living will in place are all steps that give you and your family the peace of mind that comes with careful estate planning. However, if you and your loved ones do not have a secure, memorable, and accessible place to […]

What Should Be on My Estate Planning Checklist? | Bay Area Will and Trust Attorney

Thinking about what will happen if your physical or mental health starts to decline can be a daunting prospect. Even more overwhelming can be the idea of imagining how the people you love will manage after you die. However, it is important to plan for these eventualities to ensure that your affairs will remain under […]

Silicon Valley Will Lawyer: How to Recover Unclaimed Estate Property

Right now, there are billions of dollars worth of unclaimed property across the United States. This is because sometimes a person dies without having accounted for all their assets, which they may have accidentally forgotten or abandoned. The good news is that it is often possible for family members or estate administrators to locate and […]

Santa Clara Elder Law Attorney on Easy-To-Miss Signs of Dementia

It is not uncommon for people to experience minor memory problems as they age. However, constant forgetfulness, persistent cognitive impairment, personality changes, and an inability to perform daily tasks can be signs of a more severe condition. While dementia is not a disease per se, it is a group of conditions and symptoms that interfere […]

What Women Should Know About Their Estate Planning Risks | Silicon Valley Estate Planning Attorney

Women face unique challenges when establishing their estate plans. Your needs and values may be different than those of your male counterparts. Creating a solid estate plan involves addressing these issues so that you don’t face hardships years down the road. While no one wants to dwell on what their death will look like or […]

Santa Clara Estate Attorney: How to Leave a Gift for a Minor Child

Estate planning can seem overwhelming and confusing, especially when it comes to leaving assets to minors. Often, parents or grandparents want to include children (or grandchildren) in their estate plan and leave an inheritance for them. Yet, how can you give a gift to a minor and ensure that they will get it? Can you […]

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