Protecting Your Legacy from In-Laws: A Santa Clara County Trust Lawyer’s Guide

Let’s face it: we can’t always pick our family members. While we love our children unconditionally, their choice of spouse might sometimes leave us… shall we say, less than thrilled. It’s a tough pill to swallow, especially when you’re planning your estate. You want to leave an inheritance to your child, but what if their […]

Understanding Life Insurance Trusts: A Trust Attorney in Santa Clara Explains

When it comes to estate planning, life insurance trusts are like the Swiss Army knives of the financial world—versatile and useful—but often misunderstood. As a , I’ve helped numerous families navigate the complexities of these powerful tools. Let’s break down what a life insurance trust is and when it might be the right move for […]

Who’s the Boss? You Are, With Help from an Estate Planning Attorney in Silicon Valley

Ever catch yourself humming “We’re Not Gonna Take It” when thinking about getting older? You’re not alone. Many of us worry that aging means waving goodbye to our independence, dignity, and control faster than you can say “early bird special.” But here’s a plot twist for you: with the right estate plan, you can stay […]

The Clock is Ticking: Register Your Business and Estate Planning Entities Under the Corporate Transparency Act

Attention business owners and those with entities as part of their estate plan: We’re at the halfway point of the year, which means you only have a few months left to meet the deadline to file with FinCEN under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), or face hefty fines. This isn’t just about traditional businesses: if […]

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Free Reports by
Gary Brainin

Seven Steps to Handling Your Loved One's

Surviving The Sandwhiched Years

Get The Government To Pay For Your Long-Term Care

Hope For Caregivers: ABCs of Long-Term Care and Legal Planning

  • American Academy

