The Uncomfortable Truth About Dying Without an Estate Plan (And What You Can Do About It)

Imagine this heartbreaking story: a young couple with two small children is tragically killed in a car accident. They have no estate plan. What happens next? Their children are left without parents, their finances are in disarray, and their future is uncertain. No one likes to think about dying, especially when they have young children. […]

Santa Clara Will Lawyer: Why Well-Intentioned Advice Isn’t Enough for Estate Planning

Remember that old tale about mailing yourself a copy of an invention to secure the patent? For decades, this was passed down as sage advice, even though it held no legal weight. Well-intentioned family members and friends, or even advice found online, can often lead to similar misinformation when it comes to estate planning. While […]

Silicon Valley Medi-Cal Planning: Unraveling the Mystery of the 5-Year Look-Back Rule

As you delve into the world of Medi-Cal and long-term care planning, you’ve probably come across the dreaded “5-year look-back rule.” This rule often leads to confusion and misconceptions, with many people believing they need to deplete their assets to a mere $2,000 within five years of needing care. But the reality is far more […]

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Free Reports by
Gary Brainin

Seven Steps to Handling Your Loved One's

Surviving The Sandwhiched Years

Get The Government To Pay For Your Long-Term Care

Hope For Caregivers: ABCs of Long-Term Care and Legal Planning

  • American Academy

