How to Choose a Hospice Provider | Santa Clara Elder Law Attorney

When a medical professional recommends hospice care for you or a loved one, it can be an overwhelming moment. Suddenly, the fact that the end of life is near becomes much more of a reality than it has ever been. While this can be the cause of a lot of mixed emotions, it is important […]

Planning Ahead to Age in Place: Tips from a Santa Clara Elder Lawyer

Planning for a future where you can age comfortably in your own home is a crucial part of elder law and estate planning. It’s about anticipating your needs as you grow older and making arrangements to meet them, allowing you to maintain independence and quality of life in your later years. As a Santa Clara […]

How Does Putting My Home in a Trust Affect Selling it in Santa Clara County?

One common misconception that often holds people back from estate planning is the fear that putting their house in a trust will make it difficult to control their asset or sell it in the future. As a trust lawyer in Santa Clara County, I can confidently say that this fear is based more on myth […]

5 Reasons to Prioritize Creating Your Estate Plan with a Will Lawyer in Santa Clara

As a parent, you’re constantly juggling tasks, responsibilities, and decisions. It’s easy to delay thinking about things that don’t seem immediate or urgent, like creating an estate plan. But here are five compelling reasons why making your estate plan with a will lawyer in Santa Clara should be a top priority: Blended Family Fairness If […]

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Free Reports by
Gary Brainin

Seven Steps to Handling Your Loved One's

Surviving The Sandwhiched Years

Get The Government To Pay For Your Long-Term Care

Hope For Caregivers: ABCs of Long-Term Care and Legal Planning

  • American Academy

