What Health and Happiness Look Like in the Second Half of Life | Bay Area Elder Law Attorneys

Bay Area elder law attorneys

When planning for the second half of their lives, our Bay Area elder law attorneys have found that most people do not anticipate an increase in happiness. Research shows, however, that happiness does grow as people age. The comprehensive Second Half of Life Study conducted by AARP in collaboration with National Geographic examines the general outlook of people at various stages of life. It examines similarities and differences in perspective in individuals before, entering into, and in their “second half of life.”

Happiness Grows with Age

The Second Half of Life Study found that as a person ages, their happiness increases. Also, there is a significant spike in happiness when they reach their 70s and 80s. The second half of life, however, also comes with concerns. The study found that brain health, independence, and relationships were the most prevalent concerns in this stage of life.

Health as a Mindset

Despite the temptation to think of “health” as something you either have or do not have, the reality is that health is a mindset. While physical health generally does not improve with age, the mindset about health can and does get better as a person ages. The study shows that people’s perceptions of their health improve even when serious health conditions increase with age.

Shifting Priorities and Increasing Joy

Not surprisingly, priorities shift as people age. While relationships are one of the most common concerns in the second half of life, relationships are also an increasing source of both joy and purpose. Relationships with friends focus on joy rather than purpose. Family relationships provide increasing pleasure and purpose as a person ages.

As a person enters retirement, they naturally have different focuses than when building their career. Interests and hobbies that may have been put on hold while pursuing a career become more of a priority during retirement. Additionally, relationships with family and friends become more of an active focus. While many people anticipate travel in later years, travel usually decreases as people age.

Taking Care of Yourself

The focus on self-care increases as a person ages. With each decade of life, self-care becomes more of a priority. While a healthy diet and regular exercise should not be neglected, taking care of yourself extends beyond the physical. The study found that prioritizing self-care also included focusing on relationships.

The study found that resilience and acceptance were key to positive perceptions of health and overall happiness. A plan for the future has the potential to help you feel confident and prepared and allow you to face your future with resilience and anticipation.

Contact a Bay Area Elder Law Attorney Today

Whether you are preparing for, entering, or in the second half of life, let us help you plan for your future. Planning ahead can help ease some of the most common second-half-of-life concerns, such as independence. An experienced Bay Area elder law attorney can assist you with medical, long-term care, estate planning, and other concerns. Contact us today at 408-889-1290 and we’ll assist you with the creation of a roadmap that offers financial security, dignity, and peace of mind.

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