Santa Clara Probate Lawyer on The Benefits of Working With “Death Doula”

A death doula, also referred to as an end-of-life doula, guides a person who is transitioning to death and assists their loved ones, according to the International End of Life Doula Association. “Doula” is a Greek word that reentered the modern vocabulary when non-medical support people began assisting at births. Just as birth is a […]

What Health and Happiness Look Like in the Second Half of Life | Bay Area Elder Law Attorneys

When planning for the second half of their lives, our Bay Area elder law attorneys have found that most people do not anticipate an increase in happiness. Research shows, however, that happiness does grow as people age. The comprehensive Second Half of Life Study conducted by AARP in collaboration with National Geographic examines the general […]

Santa Clara Inheritance Lawyer Answers, “I Just Inherited a Retirement Account-Now What?”

Inheriting a retirement account, such as a 401(k) or an IRA, can benefit a person struggling with their finances. It can help pay bills and create more stability. However, any Santa Clara inheritance lawyer will tell you that ignoring federal regulations can lead to significant tax penalties! The rules applying to your inherited account depend […]

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Gary Brainin

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Surviving The Sandwhiched Years

Get The Government To Pay For Your Long-Term Care

Hope For Caregivers: ABCs of Long-Term Care and Legal Planning

  • American Academy

