What Happens If Someone Dies Without a Will? Introduction to California’s Intestacy Law.

Dying intestate, or without a will, is unfortunately very common. If you die without a will, your property will go through a court process called probate and will ultimately be distributed according to California’s intestacy laws. Here are some common events that may happen if you die intestate: Your immediate next of kin, whoever they […]

Santa Clara Special Needs Lawyer Discusses Special Needs Planning and the Absentee Parent

Family relationships can be complicated. Not every parent remains in his or her child’s life, which can complicate matters when the child has a disability or special needs. This can create financial issues too, especially if the other parent is absent but still living and the child’s eligibility for benefits is affected as a result. […]

Santa Clara Business Planning Lawyer Answers: What Happens to Your Sole Proprietorship When You Die?

Sole proprietorships are a common type of ownership interest where the business owner and the business are the same legal entity. The business owner of a sole proprietorship is personally responsible for any debts the business incurs. However, unlike a corporation, the sole proprietorship belongs to one person and is legally a business indistinct from […]

Bay Area Estate Lawyer Answers, “Is it Power of Attorney… Or Taking Advantage?”

A power of attorney is a legal agreement that allows one adult, the agent, to make legal and financial decisions on behalf of another, the principal. People create power of attorney documents with a Bay Area estate lawyer so that someone of their choosing can speak for them if they should become incapacitated or otherwise […]

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  • American Academy

