Bay Area Trust Lawyer on the Importance of Including Your Pet in Your Estate Plan

Earlier this year, a story about a dog in Virginia made national news. The dog was euthanized at the owner’s request. While stories of beloved pets being put to sleep aren’t usually newsworthy, this one made headlines because the dog was healthy and friendly. So why was he euthanized? Because it was in the owner’s […]

You Don’t Have to Be Rich to Have a Trust Fund! | Santa Clara Trust and Estates Lawyer

The phrase “trust fund” often brings to mind a particular type of person, namely someone who comes from a wealthy family with an excessive amount of money available to spend on luxury and frivolity. Although there are families who have that kind of generational wealth that’s passed down to them through a trust fund, it’s […]

Silicon Valley Will and Trust Attorneys: Estate Planning for College Students and Young Adults

Preparing for college can be exhausting for both the student and their parents. Between paying tuition, getting registered for classes, and setting up a dorm room or apartment, there’s a lot of time and money involved. One of the most important aspects of planning for college that’s often overlooked is setting up some basic estate […]

Estate Planning Attorney in Santa Clara Urges Families to Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes

Every estate planning attorney in Santa Clara has, at some point in their career, heard a sad story about complications in handling a loved one’s estate. Legal language can be tricky, and sometimes a minor mistake can cause major problems. One way to prevent potential conflict among family members or a lengthy and expensive probate […]

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Free Reports by
Gary Brainin

Seven Steps to Handling Your Loved One's

Surviving The Sandwhiched Years

Get The Government To Pay For Your Long-Term Care

Hope For Caregivers: ABCs of Long-Term Care and Legal Planning

  • American Academy

